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〖One〗、Love life, life also loved him.
〖Two〗、People with ideals, life is always hot.
〖Three〗、Happy life is caused by a pleasant thoughts.
〖Four〗、For the realization of the ideal life, the joy of life is abundant.
〖Five〗、Originally, life only have once, for who is precious.
〖Six〗、Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return.
〖Seven〗、A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension.
〖Eight〗、Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor.
〖Nine〗、The meaning of life is love, who wouldn't love, who can't understand life.
〖Ten〗、The value of life lies in creating, not create life, can only be called alive.
1〖One〗、The value of life lies not in the length of time, but in how you use it.
1〖Two〗、Curious about life of comprehensiveness, the secret of success is still a great creative people.
1〖Three〗、Arranged one should have a good life, to make each moment of time is meaningful.
1〖Four〗、Life such as water, only in his jet and rushed forward, just beautiful, to be meaningful.
1〖Five〗、The goodness of life is its rich and colorful, to make life interesting, to enrich it continuously.
1〖Six〗、Such is life, we must treat life, be brave, fearless, and with a big smile no matter what happens.
1〖Seven〗、Remember you are born to live. Don’t live because you are born! Don’t go the way life takes you.Take life the way you go!
1〖Eight〗、However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names.
1〖Nine〗、Life is like a big swing, dangling between the depths of happiness and sadness. As soon as we descend down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good acclivity of happiness.
20、Life is about growing, learning, and being a better person. Never trying to improve yourself is a guaranteed path to living a completely average life. Can anyone honestly say they want an average life? Of course not.
2〖One〗、Difficulites arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times,coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you.
2〖Two〗、Life needs gratefullness. Gratefulness is not only confined to love, but also to friendship, family bonds, mutual cherishing as well as constant missing each other.
2〖Three〗、Pursuing too many things means giving yourself unnecessary pressure. Don’t let your ambition stop you from enjoying your life.
2〖Four〗、The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.
2〖Five〗、If you view the world around you and life’s challenges through the lens of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable.
2〖Six〗、A great life is the result of creating priorities. It’s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention, instead of intentionally using the time, energy and money you have in a way that’s important to you.
2〖Seven〗、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
2〖Eight〗、Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you’re going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
2〖Nine〗、Life doesn't always give us the joys we want. We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way.
30、No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life as not to receive new information from age and experience.
3〖One〗、Celebrate every day of your life! Let the spirit of holiday fill each corner of your heart. Why not?You live your life to its fullest and move towards your dreams!
You are in distress, also don't be nervous, often from the shadows from the fountain of life.
Who can with profound content enrich every moment, who is in infinite to extend the life of their own.
Life is very short, but if only to notice its brief that doesn't even have a little value.
He who loses money loss, those who have lost their health loss, loses courage loses all.
People living in the world is like a ship sailing on the sea, the most important thing is to see the way forward.
Substantial content of the life is long. We want to life in terms of behavior rather than on time.
On the journey of life road. The future is very far and very dark. But don't be afraid. Not afraid of the people in front of the road.
Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitter, can harvest the results that income is less than others.
The road of life is progressive, always following the infinite spirit of the triangle cant go upward, what all stop him.
Fails, ten million people, there is a failure in do things not thoroughly, tend to be close to success is one step is not done.
DouBenShen life depends on the life, not depends on the job or location.
Is murder wasting other people's time, wasting your time is slow suicide.
You the most happy time, someone is tortured by the illness, and death struggle, struggle.
The most important thing in life is polite, it is the highest wisdom, is more important than all knowledge.
Success is the most important is not to look at the distance of fuzzy, and hand out to do.
When I'm alive, I want to be the master of life, and not be a slave of it.
The lamp of life for enthusiasm and lit, the boat of life because of hard and move on.
In order to try to play their role in life, love the life!
In the desire and without hope, life is life's greatest sorrow.
Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore.
Not a kind not through the contempt of suffering and struggle to conquer fate.
Don't make up my mind to develop thinking people, lost the greatest pleasures in life.
Burn a person's soul, is the love of life, that is to die.
Before we know what is life, we have wasted half of it.
Action is a cure for the fear, and hesitation delay will continue to nourish the fear.
Only the kiss with life and liberty, if he's fighting for a day.
Life is a puzzle, that is how to make one inch time is equal to one inch life.
A man is after a difficult first and then step into prosperity, only feel useful, comfortable.
Between successful and unsuccessful sometimes distance is very short, only the latter again a few steps forward.
Life is more difficult, the more I feel stronger, even is also more intelligent.
Cherish life will cherish today.
There is no reason not a rational life.
The ideal of life is for ideal life.
Should face life with a smile, no matter what happens.
Life contains one day, a day as a symbol of life.
Only the life like climbing uphill, footprints.
We only give life, can obtain the life.
Life is a struggle with exploring the flame of his toil.
We can't wait for the pleasure to steal our life!
None lives forever, nothing can be prolonged.
External pressure is increased, you should enhance intrinsic motivation.
Life, as long as you make full use of it is for a long time.
Failure due to ignore the finest point, began attaches great importance to the small success.
Long life may not good enough, but a good life is long enough.
To say no to people, life is the highest of all the treasures.
Life in the flash show bright, in the ordinary real.
I never consider ease and joyfulness as purpose of life itself.
Water met resistance in place, to get its energy liberation.
What called failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
Walk hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine trail, daylight on the ground cast mottledshadows, your smile is the most beautiful scenery here.
Lying in the shade, feeling the wind face and the wind blowing gently, the sun continuously through the gap between the leaves, on the ground is shown on a piece of mottled.
Let's get away from the hustle and bustle. ln the warmth of the sun, alone to enjoy thepeace of nature.
Time is wonderful and peaceful.Keep the hopes at hand in our lifetimes.
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